JB Symons www.TheTurmsOfPeace.com

“You see, Joseph, I did give you some help - some wonderful help,” Origin continued. “Help to make choices and get along with one another when you needed better choices. But, the biggest of all human errors began to wear down and destroy all that help.”

“We had help, Origin? And what was our biggest world-changing error?” My mouth was going dry, even with drinking my tea. The hair on the back of my neck was beginning to stand up again, a feeling I had had a few times in combat.

“Selfishness, Joseph. Caring only about yourself and not caring for or about others - that kind of selfishness - which could also be called self-less-ness can create a lot of good. I'm going to tell you about the help I gave all of humankind and all living creatures and all the earth. I'm going to tell you the story from beginning until today, and I don't want any questions or interruptions until I tell you it's time for questions. Do you understand, Joseph?”

I could feel my heart beginning to pound in my throat, and I took in a huge gulp of late-evening air. “I think you've made your request very clear, Origin. I sit, be still and listen - right?”

“You can drink your tea or water and finish your spaghetti if you like, Joseph. I just want you to hear and enjoy the whole story.” Origin's voice was as smooth and warm and comforting as anything I had ever heard or felt in my life.

“Thank you, Origin,” I said, taking in another gallon of air. “I could use something to drink, and I am a little hungry. I'm ready to hear the story.” Suddenly the night was completely silent except for the sound of the New River moving by. Even the river sounds seemed muted. It seemed like the whole world was preparing to hear the next part of Origin's story.